How the Lab helped Enlighten Mobility design, prototype, and launch!

Author: Melissa Serrano

Marissa Koscielski

Enlighten Mobility, founded by ESTEEM Graduate Marissa Koscielski is a medical device company producing rehabilitation technology. The company’s primary product, the Enlight Walker, is a walker for amputees inspired by Koscielski’s own self-rehabilitation process. As her advisor in the ESTEEM program, Dr. Matt Leevy supported the design and prototype process, utilizing all the resources the lab has to offer to help Koscielski launch the device.  

Jeff Riney (ESTEEM '20) and Leanne Tang (ESTEEM '20) and an Enlight Walker prototype.
Jeff Riney (ESTEEM '20) and Leanne Tang (ESTEEM '20) and an Enlight Walker prototype.

With Dr. Leevy’s guidance, the lab helped design and produce the first few prototypes of the walker, bringing the idea from a mere concept into existence. The first model was made of laser-cut wood and provided an understanding of what needed to change in order to make the device durable enough to use. For the next version, Leevy referred to an artisan woodworker in his network to produce the next model made out of high-grade 2x4s that could withstand being drilled into and modified as Koscielski continued the prototyping process. Now post-launch, the team is looking to move out of Innovation Lab into their own space as their company continues to grow.